Monday, August 30, 2010


Welcome to King of Glory Anglican Church, we are located in the heart of Miami–Dade County. Our parish came into existence in the autumn of 2006. It began as the vision of six households. Their desire was to form a community of Christians that would be intimately connected to the ancient faith possessed by the church before the schisms that brought about so many additions and subtractions to the original apostolic faith. This vision has become our mission, and as a result, we presently have over 25 households that are also committed to the bringing the ancient and forgotten Christianity of the apostles and church fathers to our community. As a result, we have been blessed beyond measure. Just one visit to our parish and one knows that it is a special place, an oasis in the dessert.

We welcome you to pay us a visit. We are located in central Miami-Dade County, in the village of Miami Springs, between the golf course and the Springs Circle. This central location places us no further than 30 minutes from any point in Miami–Dade County. You are most cordially invited to would join us for our education hour which we call “the Sunday Forum,” and for our Sunday worship, which we call “The Holy Eucharist.” We are confident that you find the same transforming faith that our Lord Jesus passed on to his disciples, and that they passed down to us through the centuries to the faithful church, without additions, & without subtractions.

The peace of the Lord be always with you.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very attractive blog, most fitting for a church “focused on recovering the faith of the undivided church”. When Crown Prince Vladimir of Kiev (Russia) was looking for a church, he sent his envoys around the world to find the true religion. When they got back home they reported on their experience with the “customary rites” at the Cathedral in Constantinople. “…we knew not whether we were in heaven or on earth. For on earth there is no such splendor or such beauty, and we are at a loss how to describe it. We know only that God dwells there among men…For we cannot forget that beauty. (
    The same can be said about this blog and the church it represents.

